7-Year Child Residency: Private Life ILR

The 7-Year Child Route is a specific immigration path in the UK for children who have lived in the country for 7 continuous years or more. You may immediately apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain on this route based on your private life.

Key Takeaways

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Children who have lived continuously in the UK for at least 7 years can apply immediately for Indefinite Leave to Remain under the Private Life route. This applies whether they were born in the UK or not, subject to certain conditions.

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As of June 2022, children must no longer complete 5 years of Limited Leave to Remain before applying for ILR. The new rules also introduced a faster 5-year ILR route for young adults (18-24) on the Private Life route, who arrived as a child and have spent at least half their life in the UK.

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Parents and siblings may apply for leave to remain at the same time as the qualifying child. The Home Office considers the child's best interests and the family unit in its decisions.

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What is the 7-Year Child Route?

Under the UK private life immigration rules, there is a 7 years' route to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) for family cases involving children. This route recognises a child's long-term residence and life in the UK, providing a pathway to secure their immigration status.

If a child has lived continuously in the UK for at least 7 years, they may apply for ILR immediately based on their private life. This allows them to continue their lives in the UK without the threat of removal. The route is especially beneficial for children without formal immigration status, allowing them to regularise their stay based on their continuous residence.

Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009

Section 55 legally obliges the Home Office to safeguard and promote the welfare of children when carrying out immigration, asylum, and nationality functions. Decision-makers are required to consider the best interests of children as a primary consideration.

This means that immigration decisions must consider the impact on any children involved, ensuring their welfare is prioritized. Navigating this process can be complex, so seeking legal advice is often recommended to enhance the chances of a successful application.

Update to Private Life Rules

In June 2022, the UK government introduced changes to the Appendix Private Life immigration rules, amending the 7-year child route. Under the new rules, children who were not born in the UK but have lived here continuously for 7 years can now apply immediately for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) if it is not reasonable to expect them to leave the UK.

This is no longer considered a Discretionary Leave to Remain application; it is now a formal route under the Immigration Rules.

Previously, these children were often required to complete five years of Limited Leave to Remain (LLR) before becoming eligible for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).

The changes also introduced an accelerated 5-year route to ILR for young people aged 18 to 24 who have lived at least half of their life in the UK. These applicants can now be granted Limited Leave to Remain and become eligible for ILR after 5 years rather than following the previous 10-year route to settlement.

Family Members

Parents and siblings of a qualifying child may also apply for leave to remain at the same time as the child. The Home Office will consider the impact on the family unit and the child’s best interests in making the decision.

Eligibility Criteria

7-Year Child Route: Private Life ILR requirements and eligibility shown with a person checking a list

If you were born in the UK and have lived here continuously for 7 years, you can apply immediately for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) based on your private life.

If you were not born in the UK, you can still apply for ILR based on your private life if all of the following apply:

  • You came to the UK as a child.
  • You’ve lived in the UK continuously for 5 years on a private life visa.
  • Your current visa was granted based on your private life, obtained either as a child.

You must have been given your private life visa as a child or as someone aged 18 to 24 and spent half your life in the UK.

Continuous Residence Requirements

Continuous residence is essential for children to qualify for leave to remain and, eventually, Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) under the private life route. The child must have lived in the UK continuously for at least 7 years, whether on a family visa, private life visa or other visa which leads to settlement.

If any time was spent without a family or private life visa, the child must have held a private life visa for at least one year at the time of application.


7-Year Child Route: Private Life ILR documentation process illustrated with a person and documents

When applying for Indefinite Leave to Remain under the private life route, the documentation requirements can vary depending on your circumstances. In most cases, you will be required to provide:

  • The child's current passport or other proof of identity and nationality
  • All passports and visas the child has used while living in the UK
  • The child's Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) or eVisa, if you have one
  • Proof of the child's immigration status
  • Proof of continuous residence

A certified translation must accompany any documents not in English or Welsh.


It currently costs £2,885 for a child to apply for a visa based on their private life.

How to Apply

Illustration showing two people through the 7-year child route: private life ILR application process with a document in hand

All applications for the 7-year child route must be made online via the Home Office website. Before starting your application, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and have all the required supporting documents ready.

Online Application

  • Complete the online form. Select the Private Life ILR route and provide details about the child’s continuous 7-year residence in the UK.

Upload Documents

  • Upload the required documents, including passports, proof of residence, and supporting evidence.


  • Review your application and confirm that all the information is accurate.


  • Pay the application fee and any Priority service fee, if required.


  • Book and attend a biometric appointment at a UKVCAS centre, unless eligible to provide biometrics via the IDV app.

After the application is submitted, the Home Office may request additional information before a decision is made.

ILR & British Citizenship

Once a child has been granted Indefinite Leave to Remain under the 7-year private life route, they may be eligible to apply for British citizenship. If the child was born in the UK, you can generally apply to register as a British citizen upon 10 continuous years of living in the UK.

A discretionary registration application may be submitted if a child was born outside the UK or has valid reasons for applying for British Citizenship immediately after obtaining Indefinite Leave to Remain. In this case, providing compelling reasons and evidence regarding the child's past, present, and future within the UK is important.

Get Support with Child Private Life Visa Applications

If you think your child may qualify for the Private Life 7-Year Child Route and want to check their eligibility—or that of family members or siblings—QC Immigration can help.

Our expert UK immigration lawyers will assess your case, ensure the continuous residence and supporting documents are properly evidenced, and prepare a strong application to maximise your chances of approval the first time.


How can I prove my child's continuous residence in the UK?

Link to open QC Immigration job description

What is the 7-Year Child Route?

Link to open QC Immigration job description


Qiyin Chuah

Qiyin Chuah

Founder & Principal

Qiyin is a globally-recognised immigration law expert:

  • Hong Kong iMoney Magazine interview on Business Immigration from High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI), 2016
  • ITV News interview about the Tier 2 Work Visa quota and NHS staff shortages, 2018
  • The LegalTech Book: The Legal Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and FinTech Visionaries on the subject of ‘Humanise with Lawtech Lawyering’ (publisher: Wiley, 2020)
  • Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses UK National cohort alumni, 2021

Qiyin is an industry expert with more than 15 years of legal experience. She graduated from the University of Manchester with an LL.B (Hons) in Law and an LLM in International Business Law. Initially trained in Corporate Law, she was inspired to pursue Immigration Law following a personal Visa experience. In 2011, Qiyin founded QC Immigration from frustration of the quality of client service in the market, plus the desire to build a healthier company culture. As a highly-skilled migrant herself, Qiyin fully understands the complicated circumstances and high expectations of our clients. She has proven victories in defending our clients’ businesses, children’s best interests, women’s rights, LGBT rights and challenging Home Office refusals. Our returning clients typically stay with us for over 6 years from obtaining their very first visa until British citizenship. Qiyin regularly provides mentoring, training and supervision to other lawyers in their pursuit for similar successes.